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 COSMOS _ 05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe

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Datum upisa : 16.09.2011
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COSMOS _ 05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe  Empty
PočaljiNaslov: COSMOS _ 05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe    COSMOS _ 05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe  EmptyNed Jun 23, 2024 12:56 am

We said that the Cosmos is only a set of all material manifestations and the relationships between them, which can touch the Set of all ideas, but neither is it particularly important to the Set of all ideas, nor to the Set of all material manifestations itself - the Cosmos.
So what is the Cosmos for then, as a set of material manifestations and relationships between them?

As we said, and it is clear and acceptable to everyone, something cannot come from nothing.
Initially, the cosmos is only pure potential. Then it was not shown at all and, understandably, to anyone. When I remember that I believed that there was no plan for the creation of the Cosmos and people, I have to think now and perhaps waver. Because the order of creation of things and relationships in the Cosmos forces me to admit that this order has characteristics, if not intentions and plans, then inevitability.

A kind of spontaneity could have "created" the great heavenly bodies; to last without any purpose. But since, once this is understood, the Cosmos is arranged with a purpose, the question arose for whom and for what. In order to explain it to the purposefully created and (probably) interested subject, there was a need to transfer part of the energy from the basic potential to the spectrum of electro-magnetic, and then to the spectrum of sound vibrations. Because everything had to be fully explained to the subject, for whom the Cosmos was created. And this is possible only with colours in the spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations and tones in the spectrum of sounds.
Now, whether dinosaurs, monkeys or humans - it didn't matter to the Absolute, but intelligence was certainly taken for granted. Without manifested and confirmed, embodied intelligence, the Absolute is not absolute. But what level of intelligence?
That is why the Absolute, with its third constitutive segment, manifested itself first as light, and only after that as "word".

That is first the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, then the equivalent spectrum of sound.
On the basis of the Cosmos, therefore, those two spectrums are the energy-material informative basis for possible subjects of interest; for the relations of phenomena and conditions in the Cosmos. A set of electro-magnetic vibrations as:
1. Darkness,
2. Light &
3. Fire.

and a set of sound vibrations as:
1. Depth,
2. Music &
3. Height.

This division is important in order to understand later how all material states and all relationships of large and small material bodies in the Cosmos arise. Every vibration on the visible/invisible spectrum corresponds to a vibration on the audible/inaudible spectrum:
1. Darkness : Deep,
2. Light : Music &
3. Fire : Height.

On the parallel Light : Music we have frequencies for god knows how many colours and tones. This is all given, it is shown to the interested embodied subjects, so that when they are unschooled, they can be informed about their purpose and their place in the Absolute through the sense of sight and the sense of hearing.

The material of the Cosmos, that is, the stable chemical elements from Mendeleev's list, is primarily released from its basic energy potential, and this can only be explained by that second pair of vibrations: Light : Music.
Because man had to answer himself this question:

If "John's God" is energy (light), that is, a spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations, and it is, then how did the matter that produces the sound come about? Because sound, as a vibration, is not created, by anyone's will, by the transformation of electro-magnetic waves into sound waves, but sound is produced by a concrete three-dimensional body; for sound, something material vibrates: Not something energetically wavelike. Although it is said about light that a photon propagates both as a wave and as a material particle. But the photon does not vibrate sonically.
Where does the sound-emitting body come from?

How the Cosmos was created
ISBN 978-3-9525742-7-0
:copyright:: Dragoljub M. V. Popović.
Serb, graduated father,
writer and musician.
CH, 4500 Solothurn
Postbox 608
Internet; @serb001

June 14, 2024
CH, 4500 Solothurn

00: Before anything else, let me tell you this:
__: a, Cosmos, man, Yoga, Religion and God:
01: Cosmos is reality
02: First of all - The Universe
03: Analysis of Cosmos
04: The title of this volume is not a question
05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe
06: Dark Mass as a Platform, Power and Raw Material
07: The relationship between mind and matter
__: a, Universe and Music
08: Gravitation as an effect of magnetism by spheres
09: On the Actions and Products of the Brain
__: a, Transcendence
__: b, Artificial intelligence: AI and AGI
__: c Binegative judgment in logic
10: Portion of Energy with Identity
11: For people to live hundreds of years
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COSMOS _ 05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe
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