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 COSMOS - Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos

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Datum upisa : 16.09.2011
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COSMOS - Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos  Empty
PočaljiNaslov: COSMOS - Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos    COSMOS - Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos  EmptyPet Jun 21, 2024 1:03 am

Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos
a. Energy is manifested by chemical elements,
b. Shows electromagnetic waves and
c. Explains with musical harmony.
a. To whom does it manifest itself?
To the self in its specificity to bring itself from the undifferentiated and self-unconscious to self-awareness.
From chemical elements and compounds, a living being is created, which with the mind becomes the position of self-awareness of the Whole.
b. Why electromagnetic waves? In order for the mental being to know itself as a syllable of vibrations.
c. How is it explained by musical harmony?
With the parallel between the vibrations given to the eyes (electromagnetic waves in the light spectrum) and the vibrations given to the ears (musical tones), the mental being can be understood as:
1. simple chord:
- prime, third, fifth; meaning:
a - the intellectual basis of a living individual,
b - sex of the individual i
c - individual's libido; or as:
2. more complex chord:
- prime, third, fifth, seventh; meaning:
a - the intellectual basis of a living individual,
b - sex of the individual,
c - libido of individuals i
d - interest in the so-called metaphysics, philosophy, music, ...

; or as:
3. complete chord:
- prima, terca, quinta, septima, nona; meaning:
a - the intellectual basis of a living individual,
b - the gender of the individual,
c - individual's libido,
d - interest in the so-called Metaphysics and
e - surrender to a person of the opposite sex.

which essentially represents surrender to God, without whom no one and nothing exists. And anyway, it is not in the selfish ones.
Musical harmony is thus understood as the progressive and regressive relations between mental beings, that is, people as syllables of abilities, characteristics, understanding and awareness.
According to whose plan and in what order all this?
There is no plan by anyone for all this to happen like this. Simply - the Universe is eternal, and the Cosmos lives like a plant: seed, root, tree, flower and fruit. Birth, life and death.
With this analysis of the Cosmos, as well as an insight into the State of Things - that rotation is the basic movement in the Cosmos, and by applying logic to answering the question:
"When did the Law of Mechanics begin to apply in this Cosmos, according to which a body moves in the same direction and direction until a force appears that changes its direction or course?"

we come to understand that the "Big Bang" theory is actually a theory of great stupidity; because if everything started from some primordial atom it would still move in a straight line through the boundless Nothing.

How the Cosmos was created
ISBN 978-3-9525742-7-0
©: Dragoljub M. V. Popović.
Serb, graduated father,
writer and musician.
CH, 4500 Solothurn
Postbox 608
Internet; @serb001
June 14, 2024
CH, 4500 Solothurn

00: Before anything else, let me tell you this:                   05
__: a, Cosmos, man, Yoga, religion and God:                   07
01: Cosmos is reality                                                         09
02: First of all - The Universe                                           12
03: Analysis of Cosmos                                                     15
04: The title of this volume is not a question                    17
05: The Third Constituent Element of Universe               21
06: Dark Mass as a Platform, Power and Raw Material   24
07: The relationship between mind and matter                 30
__: a, Universe and Music                                                 34
08: Gravitation as an effect of magnetism by spheres      44
09: On the Actions and Products of the Brain                   57
__: a, Transcendence                                                         59
__: b, Artificial intelligence: AI and AGI                          62
__: c Binegative judgment in logic                                   65
10: Portion of Energy with Identity                                  73
11: For people to live hundreds of years                          74
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COSMOS - Part 3. Analysis of the Cosmos
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